Taylor Swift Mocks The British In A Short Skirt

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift took time out of her busy promotional tour for her new album to fly to London and mock the British in an extremely short skirt in the photos below.

As everyone knows the vast majority of English men are flaming homoqueers who enjoy nothing more than “shaging” each others “bums”, and that the few males that aren’t foppish sodomites are hoplessly limp-dicked impotents. That is why it was so insensitive of Taylor Swift to mockingly flaunt her feminine sexuality in front of these Brits by showing off her long legs in this mini skirt, as none of them could ever even dream of being able to sexually satisfy her.

Thankfully for the English they will not have to suffer this indignity much longer, for due to their liberal open door immigration policy (and the superior fertility of our Muslim women) the whole UK will soon be a holy Islamic caliphate. Then Sharia law will protect what few British men we don’t hang from being further embarrassed in the sight of gratuitous female flesh, like Taylor Swift is showing in these photos.


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