Katy Perry & Rihanna Dyke Out At The Grammys

Katy Perry Rihanna

Katy Perry and Rihanna had passionate lesboqueer sex after the 2012 Grammy awards last night.

As you can see in the photos below, Rihanna and Katy Perry could not keep their hands off each other, dyking out throughout the Grammy ceremony. These 2 horny pop stars then obviously retreated to a hotel room were they spent the night fingering, licking, and scissoring their dirty meat curtains.

No word yet on if their was any double-sided dildo ass to ass action, but knowing what we do of Rihanna and Katy Perry, the odds are definitely in its favor.


Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna
Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna
Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna Katy Perry Rihanna

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