“The Vampire Diaries” star Nina Dobrev just had the non nude cell phone photos below leaked to the Web.
As you can see, (much like Anna Kendrick before her) Nina Dobrev has numerous pictures of herself abusing alcohol, and about to engage in lesboqueer love making and orgies with multiple men. However, Nina did not have the decency to take even one pic of herself spreading her butt cheeks and showing her asshole.
These photos appear to be from back in Nina Dobrev’s more innocent senior year of high school and early college days. Now that Nina is a brazen whore for the Zionist entertainment industry she needs to sync her iPhone back with the iCloud, so that we can see the explicit hardcore photos it is no doubt harboring. Nina needs to remember that backing up one’s personal photos and videos is important. She’d certainly hate to lose the precious memory of the first time she filmed herself fingering her lady hole in a hotel room in New York.
Nina Dobrev Non Nude Cell Phone Pics Leaked was last modified: October 2nd, 2014 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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