Lady Gaga Naked And Grabbing Pregnant Tits

Lady Gaga naked

After being airbrushed into looking somewhat presentable in the photo above from Vogue magazine, washed-up old pop star Lady Gaga gets naked and grabs a pregnant woman’s tits in the outtake photos below.

Lady Gaga naked

Of course us pious Muslims don’t need any airbrushing to appreciate Lady Gaga, for we have always found her to be extremely bangable… With the Sharia stones of justice.

Lady Gaga naked

For Lady Gaga is very clearly a Satanic slut sent from the darkest depths of the eternal Hellfire to terrorize humanity… And so after Gaga molested this woman’s mammeries her milk almost certainly soured, and the fetus turned into a flaming homofag.

Those are the types of sadistic pleasures a shaitan like Gaga lives for. So let us pray that Allah sees fit to smite her soon before she assaults any more unborn babies with her blasphemous behavior.

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