Katy Perry Flaunts Her Huge MILF Boobs

Katy Perry MILF boobs

Washed-up old pop star Katy Perry flaunts her huge MILF (Mother I’d Like to Flog) boobs in a swimsuit while on vacation in Hawaii in the photos below.


Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry
Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry

Why do infidel women like Katy Perry think that it is acceptable to gain 200lbs simply because they got knocked up? In the civilized Islamic world our pious pregnant Musliminas hardly gain an ounce… As they get the same amount of table scraps in their dish, and continue working in the fields up until the point of delivery when they are granted a 15 minute break to go squat behind a bush and take care of business.

Katy Perry MILF boobs

Yes, Western new mothers like Katy Perry are slothful slobs, and it is reflected in their doughy dumpy appearances. If the kuffar men had any pride they’d beat them vigorously for bringing shame to their clan by looking like sloppy sows.

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