Katy Perry Upskirt Kiss Pic

Katy Perry upskirt kiss

Pop star and degenerate divorcee Katy Perry tries to “rebound” from her marriage by sleeping with a flaming homosexual.

As you can see in the photo above, Katy Perry is kissing some dude from the US Navy, the gayest of all the US armed forces as it is a scientific fact that 98% of the men in the US Navy are limp-wristed homoqueers with the other 2% being extremely bi-curious.

Why Katy Perry would try to bed this homo and contract super AIDS still remains a mystery. However, one thing is for certain, Katy Perry is a vile whore who’s lips taste like semen and when she spreads her legs it smells like the ocean. Thus Katy Perry is irresistible to gay sailors.

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