Young Kate Upton Nude Outtake Uncovered

Kate Upton nude

It is a scientific fact that men age like wine while women age like milk. As further proof of this undeniable natural law take a look at the recently uncovered fully nude outtake photo above of a young Kate Upton.

Kate Upton boobs

Yes Kate Upton was already in the twilight of her prime at 18-years-old when this nude outtake and the see through to her boobs photos above were taken. Ever since then she has been in a steep decline into the bloated old bag we see today in the video clip below.

For women over the age of 20 are as useless as Anne Frank’s drum kit. Thankfully in the civilized Islamic world we do the humane and environmentally conscious thing, and recycle our old women by shooting them on top of a compost heap. So let us pray that Kate’s owner sees the wisdom of our ways, and does the right thing by ridding the world of this saggy sack of bones before she further defiles our pious eyes with her withered flesh and rapidly drooping udders.

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