Jessica Alba Offends In New Swimsuit Photo Shoot

Jessica Alba swimsuit

Jessica Alba has once again offended Islam with her shameful tight tan feminine body with these new swimsuit and bikini photos from Shape Magazine.

There are really only two halal “shapes” that a woman should be seen in. One is as an amorphous black block behind a stiff wool burka, and the other is prostrate on the ground while praying to Allah, scrubbing the floors, or waiting to be viciously sodomized by her husband.

There is certainly nothing even remotely pleasing about seeing Jessica’s bare bronze flesh, perky tits, and womanly hips to waist ratio in these swimsuit photos. In fact, if a pious Muslim caught Jessica parading around like this she would learn the prostrate position real quick when her unconscious body crumbled to the ground. Thus is the will of Allah, praise be onto him!


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