Jessica Alba In Bikinis Crawling On All Fours

Jessica Alba bikini butt

When it comes to innovators of celebrity sluttery Jessica Alba’s name is certainly near the top of the list. This is because Jessica perfected what is known today as “Alba-ing”, or crawling around on a fours while in a bikini.

As you can see in the compilation of photos below, there was no shortage of instances in which Jessica Alba employed Alba-ing to prostitute her incredibly tight little tanned ass to the paparazzi. For Jessica knew that by getting on her hands and knees and pretending to look for things, there would be many high quality shots of her taut anus.

Of course according to the holy Qur’an a woman on all fours is in her most natural position. Only unlike Jessica Alba she should never be wearing anything less than a thick black wool burka to hide her shameful hindquarters, and while on all fours she should either be scrubbing the floor or picking up her teeth after doing a poor job of scrubbing the floor. Unfortunately in these Jessica Alba bikini pics neither is the case.


Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba

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