Rachel Uchitel Upskirt Vagina Pic

Rachel Uchitel Upskirt Vagina Pic

Tiger Woods’ mistress Rachel Uchitel’s face must be beet red right now after this upskirt picture showing her vagina was leaked on the Internet. After breaking up Tiger Woods’ marriage Rachel Uchitel famously turned down a 7 figure offer from Playboy to pose nude in the magazine, because according to her she is actually a ..

Tiger Woods Back In Creep Mode

Tiger Woods Back In Creep Mode

Now that Tiger Woods is officially single he is wasting no time getting back out on the prowl. As this picture shows Tiger is licking his chops while staring at a nice piece of grade A blond white girl ass (his meal of choice). If you look into Tiger’s eyes there is little doubt that ..

Tiger Woods To Sex Phil Mickelson’s Wife

Tiger Woods To Sex Phil Mickelson’s Wife

Still steaming from his lose to Phil Mickelson at the Masters on Sunday, reports are coming in that Tiger Woods has decided to beat Phil in another arena in which he is extremely proficient, sex. Rumors are swirling that, on seeing Phil’s affectionate display with his wife Amy after winning the Masters, Woods decided to ..

New Tiger Woods Nike Commercial Voicemail Remix

New Tiger Woods Nike Commercial Voicemail Remix

Tiger Woods and Nike caused a great deal of controversy yesterday with a new commercial which features Tiger awkwardly staring into the camera as the voice of his dead father Earl Woods berates him from beyond the grave. Many are outraged at Tiger for exploiting his dead father to get forgiveness from the consumer masses. ..

Joslyn James Releases More Dirty Tiger Woods Text Messages

Joslyn James Releases More Dirty Tiger Woods Text Messages

Tiger Woods’ mistress Joslyn James has made headlines today by releasing a series of very graphic text messages that Tiger allegedly sent her during their relationship. Here is a sample of the ones released that got my loins burning. – OK, I would like to have a threesome with you and another girl you trust. ..

Tiger Woods Announces Return To Cheating

Tiger Woods Announces Return To Cheating

Tiger Woods made headlines today when he announced that his return to golf will take place at something called “The Masters”. That sounds like a pretty racist tournament to me, but what do you expect from a self-loathing black guy like Woods. More importantly though we have heard from a very reliable source (who may ..

Tiger Mistress Rachel Uchitel Becomes “Extra” <strike>Correspondent</strike> Whorespondent

Tiger Mistress Rachel Uchitel Becomes “Extra” Correspondent Whorespondent

Rachel Uchitel, noted home wrecker and queen of the Tiger Woods harem, has joined the cast of “Extra” as a special correspondent whorespondent. Uchitel’s stint on the celebrity-news show will consist primarily of interviews, although one could imagine she may end up servicing the show’s producers as well, provided they are married. Only in America ..

Lock Up Your Whores Tiger Woods Leaving Sex Rehab

Lock Up Your Whores Tiger Woods Leaving Sex Rehab

Lock up your whores Tiger Woods is going to be released from sex rehab later today. Tiger’s wife Elin Nordegren is already in Hattiesburg, Mississippi to pick him up. After completely 3 months of sex rehab were he constantly talked about his deepest darkest sexual urges but was not allowed to act on them Tiger ..

Tiger Woods Spotted In Sex Rehab

Tiger Woods Spotted In Sex Rehab

Look closely at the creature in the picture above. No that is not Big Foot, it is famed golfer and adulterer Tiger Woods, and it is the first picture taken of him since his 2:30am car crash on November 28th. The whereabouts of Tiger have been speculated upon since the accident. He was reportedly spotted ..

Tiger Woods Set To Endorse Impotency Drug ‘Tiagra’

Tiger Woods Set To Endorse Impotency Drug ‘Tiagra’

Tiger Woods lost another major sponsor today when General Motors announced they were cutting ties with the golfer and serial adulterer. GM is just the latest in a long line of major companies that have dropped Woods in the past month joining Gillette, Tag Heuer, Gatorade, Accenture and AT&T. However, the news is not all ..

Tiger Woods Had Gay Sex

Tiger Woods Had Gay Sex

According to one time Playboy model and alleged Tiger Woods’ mistress Loredana Jolie, Tiger had sex with other men in front of her. Loredana says she is planning to tell all about how she and Tiger “came about, his healthy appetite for arranged sex, threesomes, girls next door, girl-girl, and an answer to all the ..

Tiger Woods And Wife Elin Set To Star In New Movie

Tiger Woods And Wife Elin Set To Star In New Movie

Tiger Woods and his estranged wife Elin Nordegren have been cast in a new movie. The film which is scheduled to begin shooting in February is a sequel to the popular “Broke Back Mountain” franchise tentatively titled “Broke Black Golfer”. In the movie Tiger will play a cowboy golfer with a penchant for whores… lots ..

Tiger Woods Topless In Vanity Fair

Tiger Woods Topless In Vanity Fair

The new issue of Vanity Fair will feature a topless Tiger Woods trying to do his best impression of a black man (lifting weights while wearing a skullcap). I always just assumed Tiger Woods was getting all these women because he was rich and famous, but boy was I wrong. Tiger has some major sex ..

Top 5 Celebrity Deaths Of 2009

Top 5 Celebrity Deaths Of 2009

The New Year is a time for reflection, and we here at Celeb Jihad have a saying “Durka durka Muhammad tuck tuck jihad Allah” which loosely translates to “The only good celebrity is a dead celebrity”. So let us take a moment to reflect on the top 5 celebrity deaths of 2009. Allah willing 2010 ..

Brittany Murphy Dies Tiger Woods Breathes Sigh Of Relief

Brittany Murphy Dies Tiger Woods Breathes Sigh Of Relief

Christmas came early for Tiger Woods this year when actress Brittany Murphy died suddenly in her LA home. Tiger and his harem of skanks who had been dominating the headlines the last couple weeks were instantly wiped off the front page as Brittany chased the dragon one to many times. Brittany Murphy’s death looks like ..

Tiger Woods Gets Court Order Blocking Release Of His Naked Pictures

Tiger Woods Gets Court Order Blocking Release Of His Naked Pictures

One of Tiger Woods’ many many whores, Jamie Junger is trying to sell naked pictures of Tiger to various media outlets. Tiger’s attorneys have obtained an order prohibiting any papers from publishing naked pictures of Tiger Woods. Jamie Jungers told her relatives that she took pictures of the golfing great while he was naked in ..

Tiger Woods’ Wife Elin Planning To Sleep With Other Golfers

Tiger Woods’ Wife Elin Planning To Sleep With Other Golfers

Celeb Jihad has just learned that Tiger Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren has moved past the “I’m pissed as sh*t” stage, and on to the revenge stage of dealing with her husband’s infidelities. According to a source close to Elin she is making plans to have revenge sex with a number of Tiger’s fellow golfers. We ..

The Girl Who Took Tiger Woods’ Virginity Speaks

The Girl Who Took Tiger Woods’ Virginity Speaks

Dina Gravell, Tiger’s high school sweetheart and the woman who took Tiger Woods’ virginity describes a teenage Woods as a clingy, possessive romantic who liked to write love letters, and was not even remotely attracted to black women. Her first date with Tiger was to see a movie, and it ended with an awkward hug. ..