The Definitive Guide To Taylor Swift’s Fake Tits

Taylor Swift fake tits

Taylor Swift continues to be the topic of controversy in the infidel West… And not because she is on the verge of finally coming out as a lesbian (which she clearly is), but rather because “flat chester” conspiracy theoriest refuse to accept that Taylor has breast implants.


Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

However as you can see from the photos above and video below, there is no denying that Taylor Swift’s rapidly engorging chesticles are fake and not the result of push-up bras, padded bras, weight gain, birth control, the position of the moon, or whatever other crazy explanation her defenders want to come up with.

The sooner that these Taylor Swift titty apologists accept that their “good girl” idol is a vile vain slut, the easier it will be for them to realize that all of her “relationships” with famous men have been staged and that she is (and has always been) a labia lapping lesbodyke.

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