Taylor Swift Flaunts Her Fat Camel Toe

Taylor Swift camel toe

Taylor Swift takes her fat camel toe for a stroll on the streets of New York City in the disturbing photos below.

Taylor’s engorged lady lips look more like a whole camel hoof then a camel toe, but that is to be expected… For Taylor’s sin bits are almost certainly a completely mashed up meaty mess since they have no doubt been tongue lashed and then vigorously fisted by every bi-curious Victoria’s Secret model.


Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

Of course equating the sagging piss flaps between Taylor’s legs to any part of the noble camel is extremely offensive to us Muslims, for we love those majestic creatures with a passion. Taylor can parade around her bulging baby box and fake titty humps in photos such as these all she likes, but she will never entice us Muslims to take her for a ride over even the most homely of camels… even though unlike camels Taylor swallows instead of spits.

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