Taylor Swift Candid Bikini Beach Pics

Taylor Swift bikini

Taylor Swift flaunts her belly button and an obscene amount of skin while enjoying a romantic stroll on the beach with her brother in the candid bikini photos below.


Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

Thankfully Taylor wore a slightly more modest swimsuit the next day in the pics below. However she did once again display some blasphemous bare female flesh, including her pouchy gut and newly dumpy ass cheeks.


Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

If Taylor Swift gets any fatter she is going to have to start carrying a basketball around with her for protection, just in case a gang of dirt skin nig nogs try to rape her she can use it to distract them.

Either that or she can roll up some job applications and stuff them inside her various orifices. For those things always make the shiftless Sub-Saharans recoil in horror. Of course the simplest thing Taylor could do is just stop eating so much, but since she is clearly a gluttonous weak-willed slut that isn’t going to happen.

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