Selena Gomez In Concert Ass Video

Selena Gomez booty

As you can see in the photo above and video below, Selena Gomez is currently traveling the world prostituting her ass in concert for her “Revival Tour”.

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It must be difficult for Selena Gomez to be onstage without a donkey by her side like she use to have in her performances back in her hometown of Tijuana, Mexico. Yes Selena has had to learn a whole new stage show now that she is a mainstream star, and so instead of simply getting her ass pounded out by “El Grande Burro” Selena now must utilize her backside by strutting it across the stage in shiny tight slut suits.

Even though Selena clearly misses her donkey friends, she almost certainly enjoys not being pelted with empty tequila bottles and making an extra 3 pesos every night now that she no longer has to share her tips with barn animals. Of course Selena’s current live show is lacking in the electric sexual chemistry which helped make her the Friday night headliner at many of the top donkey show venues in Tijuana.

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