Selena Gomez Admits She Is Gay, Loves Hooters

Selena Gomez Hooters

Selena Gomez continues to drop hints to fans that she is a lesbian. This time Selena did it on the David Letterman Show when she told Dave that,

“I like Hooters. I went in for fried pickles and curly fries.”

Could she be more obvious about being gay? Everyone knows that people only go to Hooters to ogle the waitresses and offer them cash for blowjobs in the bathroom. Selena Gomez does not really expect us to believe she likes their awful food does she?

No, Selena is obviously trying to drop hints that she is in fact a homosexual. Selena also appears to be a breast woman. The sooner her female fans can accept this the better their chances are of getting motor boated by their idol.

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