Scarlett Johansson With Her Boobs Pushed Up Fondling A Dildo

Scarlett Johansson boobs

Scarlett Johansson strolls around with her boobs pushed up as she fondles a gold-plated dildo at the People’s Choice Awards in the photos below.


Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson

This is certainly an impressive display from Scarlett… For she was able to find a device capable of not only supporting her sad sagging tit sacks, but propping them back up to where they were 40 years ago.

Yes without this miraculous push-up bra Scarlett would not doubt be stumbling over her low hanging chesticles as she makes her way to the stage to accept her honorary gold dildo in the video clip above.

Speaking of which, if Scarlett thinks that by shoving this shiny phallic rod into her orifices she will be prepared for a Muslim’s manhood she is sorely (apt word choice) mistaken. For the average Muslim man’s meat scud is three times longer and nearly twice as thick… Not to mention that it is usually covered with a thick coat of hair for added friction.

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