Scarlett Johansson’s Comeback Photo Shoot In W Magazine

Scarlett Johansson W magazine

Scarlett Johansson announces her triumphant comeback to whoring with this new sultry photo shoot for W magazine.

As you may know, Scarlett was recently sidelined from slutting it up when she got knocked up, and forgot to schedule an abortion in time. No doubt after rooting around her insides with a wire hanger and throwing herself down some stairs, a frustrated Scarlett finally just gave up and decided to have the kid.

However, now that Scarlett has pushed out the little bastard and dropped the baby weight by (probably) drinking power shakes made from the blood of dead Palestinian children, she can return to her favorite pastime of exposing her bulbous cleavage and pouting her dick sucking lips on camera. Happy days are here again for Scarlett Johansson fans.


Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson
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