Piera Bellato Fully Nude Onstage In The Play “Provocation”

Piera Bellato nude

The video below features Swiss actress Piera Bellato showing off her huge tits and landing strip while fully nude onstage in the play “Provocation”.

Switzerland prides itself on cowardly always being a “neutral” country, but Piera Bellato showing off her blasphemous bare female flesh like this is a clear provocation against us righteous Muslim men.

Yes, Piera Bellato ocularly assaulting our pious Muslim eyes with her bulbous boobies and baby box like this is a clear act of war and a violation of the Geneva Convention. If the Swiss government does not act accordingly by throwing Piera in the jail for war crimes, we will consider them accomplices in this heinous attack and they will feel our wrath.

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