As we saw last week, after renouncing heathen Hollywood by quitting her staring role on the hit CW show “The Vampire Diaries”, Nina Dobrev has been living it up splashing around in a bikini in the beautiful crystal clear blue waters of the Persian Gulf while serving as a concubine on a powerful Muslim’s yacht.
No doubt after seeing how happy Nina Dobrev is now that she is following a righteous path and tongue bathing a Muslim’s taint and enormous hairy ball satchel, more actresses will no doubt flee their pathetically sad and meaningless lives filled with fame and fortune in the West to find true bliss in sexual servitude to us incredibly masculine Muslim men.
Of course not all celebrities will be as lucky as Nina Dobrev and be chosen by a man who allows his women to smile and bare their flesh in bikinis. However, even if these new celebrity recruits were chosen by a traditionalist like myself, certainly they’d find that digging wells and skinning mules while in a burka is infinity more pleasurable and rewarding work when compared to what they’d be doing back in the Zionist West. Yes Nina Dobrev is certainly lighting the path to salvation for many Western women with these bikini pics.
More Nina Dobrev Yacht Bikini Pics was last modified: July 26th, 2015 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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