Miley Cyrus Receives Pic Txt Of My Cock

Miley Cyrus sext

Dedicated Muslim Miley Cyrus has received a handsome reward for her services to Islam when (after seeing her most recent pious act of showing how not to wear a burka) I picture texted AKA “sexted” her a pic of my powerful virile Muslim cock.

Needless to say Miley Cyrus was most pleased to have received a picture of my dick on her phone as you can see in the photo above. I even managed to pull back my lush pubic hair enough to expose some of the head for her to see. Very erotic if I do say so myself!

Let this be a lesson for all you young women out there. A life spent in pious dedication to Allah is one filled with bountiful rewards, not the least of which is erotic picture texts from virile Muslim men like myself. Allahu Akbar!

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