Miley Cyrus Supports Spreading AIDS In Barely There Top

Miley Cyrus AIDS

Miley Cyrus attends a gala to “make AIDS history”, which I assume means spreading it at record speeds to the homoqueers and Sub-Saharans to which it afflicts. This is certainly a good cause and one us Muslims fully support, for the sooner these undesirables cough up their last T-cells the better place this world will be.

Of course in typical Miley fashion she stole the show at this event by showing up in an extremely risque black leather strap top and half burka bottoms, thus perfectly expressing the duality of her nature.

Yes as followers of this website know, Miley Cyrus has been on a secret mission from Allah to hasten the collapse of Western culture be accelerating its decent into depravity. With this outfit Miley is making the powerful statement that much like how HIV devours the immune system of the damned, Islam (represented by this half burka) will soon rise up and destroy from within the crass, transparently flimsy, and titty obsessed Western world (represented by Miley’s top).


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