Lauren Cohan Nude Sex Tape Video Leaked

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As you can see in the video above, “The Walking Dead” star Lauren Cohan appears to have had her nude sex tape leaked online.

Judging by the hideous pattern on this couch this Lauren Cohan sex tape was filmed in the late 1990’s when she was 18 or 19 years old. Unfortunately for an exhibitionist whore like Lauren she would have had to film this sex tape in the very early 1990’s, and not of had sex with a flaming homoqueer who tries to lick up his own watery ball juice to entice us righteous Muslim men to flog our meat scuds while viewing it.

Of course it is fitting that Lauren stars on a show called “The Walking Dead” for that is essentially what her and all the rest of the old worthless infidel women are. For when Islam finishes conquering the West there will be a great purge, and elderly banged out trollops like Lauren Cohan will be sent to Jahannam to burn for all eternity.

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