Lady Gaga Stoned To Death In ‘Judas’ Video

Lady Gaga judas video

As a woman, I know that it is not my place to sing or dance unless requested to by my husband or a male relative. But truly, I’d like to meet the pansy man who decided it was alright for women to do so in public and get paid for it.

Obviously this has been a catastrophic mistake, as evidenced by one Lady Gaga. Now, while her true gender is still a mystery, she has really outdone herself this time in terms of trying to be a man. Her latest video for the song “Judas” shows the scantily clad hoochie holding a gun, riding a motorcycle, and showing her ankles— things we all know should be exclusively reserved for men.

The Gaga then confuses matters by flaunting her shameful feminine breasts, while donning a large cross in between them. Can you see my spectacular perk Muslim boobies? No, because I wear my full burka and hold them down with duct tape, so as not to draw unwanted attention. Gaga would be wise to do the same.

But aha! You see, Lady Gaga has no time to repent for her whoreish ways, as at the end of the video she is stoned to death before our very eyes! A fitting end that all unclean women will eventually meet— sluts, let this Lady Gaga ‘Judas’ video serve as a warning!

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