Jordyn Jones Pulls Down Her Pants In A Deleted TikTok

Jordyn Jones ass thong

Social media star Jordyn Jones nearly completely pulls down her pants and then shakes her tight round ass in a thong bikini in the deleted TikTok video below.

At 20-years-old Jordyn Jones has been tantalizing and teasing us pious Muslims with her halal nubile appearance for the better part of a decade at this point, and quite frankly we are sick of it…


Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones

That is why we are issuing a fatwa to Jordyn demanding that she cease and desist with her incessant cock teasing and submit to Islam at once. If by the next harvest moon she has not compiled with our demands by reporting to her nearest Mosque and having tight round rump banged and burka-ed, she will not only incur our righteous Muslim wrath but also lose out on any chance she has of ever having her sex holes stretched by a massive meat scud… A fate far worse than death some would say.

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