Jordyn Jones Back To Showing Off Her Butt In A Bikini

Jordyn Jones bikini

After dabbling in music and recording a new album, 18-year-old social media star Jordyn Jones is back to doing what she does best as she shows off her tight round little butt in the bikini photos and video clip below.


Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones

Yes, Jordyn Jones must never forget what got her to where she is today, for her bread and butter will always be her ability to flaunt her taut tush while having the halal face of a 12-year-old.

For so long as Jordyn maintains her nubile appearance her pleasingly plump dumper will always have a place on the business end of a mighty Muslim’s massive manhood…

Which is no doubt a comforting thought for Jordyn, but not one that she should take for granted. For both time and gravity are not on her side, and so her impish charms will not last forever.

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