Cindy Crawford’s Sickening Nude Photo Shoot

Cindy Crawford nude

48-year-old former super model Cindy Crawford poses nude in the sickening photos below.

Time has clearly taken a harsh toll on Cindy Crawford (like it does on all women), and has turned her into the ghastly ghoul of a woman that we see below. To think that at one time Cindy Crawford was considered the most desirable woman in the Western world (despite the fact that she has always had that cancerous mole growing out the side of her face) is rather shocking after viewing these pictures.

In fact, seeing Cindy Crawford’s decrepit weathered nude body in these pictures was so nauseating that it caused me to vomit my smoked lamb and hummus breakfast all over my tunic. Needless to say I’ll be sending the dry cleaning bill along with a strongly worded fatwa to Mrs Crawford.

Thank Allah that us Muslims do not have to view a scene like this in real life, as we never have a naked woman over the age of 16 in our beds. Furthermore all of our elderly hags are shipped off on suicide missions or to the salt mines, so that their disgusting shriveled bodies can not offend us like Cindy Crawford is doing in these nude photos.


Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford Cindy Crawford

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