Rihanna Contracts Nasty Case of Sass Mouth

chris brown rihanna

CelebJihad.com has just learned the details of what transpired between songbird and Wrigley’s Doublemint Gum salesman Chris Brown and his post-op tranny girlfriend who is known on the street only as “Rihanna”.

According to our sources, Rihanna came down with a nasty case of “sass mouth.” This heinous disease is common in women and gay men, making Rihanna’s contraction of it inevitable. You can recognize the victims of sass mouth by the excessive running of their lip, their popping off at the mouth, and their inability to know when to shut the fuck up.

Our insider tells us Chris Brown was desperate to save his manly looking lady friend from her affliction, so he administered the only known cure; a backhanded slap to her man pleaser (mouth). Alas, it was to no avail, and she continued to spout off.

Realizing the case was hopeless, Chris Brown turned himself into police just so he wouldn’t have to “listen to anymore of her yapping.”

We’ll have more on this story as it develops.

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