Chris Brown Wants To Hit Rihanna With A Hammer?

Does Chris Brown want to repeatedly hit Rihanna in the face with a hammer until her skin falls off and she looks like the corpse of Michael Jackson? Surprisingly, the singer says no.

In his first radio interview since assaulting Rihanna, Brown said he wants a second chance. At no time did the singer make any comments about his unquenchable desire to pound Rihanna’s face into a bloody mess with the closest blunt object at hand.

“At the end of the day, I’m human,” said Brown, who was probably thinking about smashing Rihanna’s eye socket with a brick during the whole interview. “Of course you’re gonna have your thoughts and opinions. I’m not gonna say they’re wrong. But at the end of the day, it’s not right to judge someone,” Brown said.

We assume that is code for, “God I wish Rihanna was here right now so I could use this chair to knock out all of her god damn teeth.”

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