Kendall Jenner Showering In A Black Bikini

Kendall Jenner bikini

Kendall Jenner shows off her pleasingly lean and androgynous body while showering in a black bikini in the photos below.

Unlike her skanky sisters Kendall Jenner does not possess grotesquely enlarged sex organs, and the only black thing that touches her skin is this bikini. Add to that the fact that Kendall appears to be wearing some sort of avant-garde burka in the last two photos, and it is clear that despite her family and upbringing Kendall is a virtuous woman.

Yes Kendall Jenner is like a rose blooming from a pile of manure, and she will be the one and only Kardashian/Jenner that is spared when Islam finishes conquering the West. Who knows with her righteously unfeminine body and her hair slicked back in the shower, Kendall may even be able to pass herself off as a young bacha bazi (dancing boy) and one day receive the honor of having her anal cavity pulverized by the powerful tunic snake of a Muslim man.


Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner
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