Kendall Jenner Desecrates Easter With Half Nude Photo

Kendall Jenner Easter nude

Kendall Jenner desecrated the holy Christian holiday of Easter and insulted Islam by posting a nude photo of herself wearing bunny ears over a half burka to her Instagram.

If this Easter Bunny nude wasn’t bad enough, Kendall Jenner also attended church with her family dressed like a total slut with her toned stomach fully exposed in a tight white crop top that she borrowed from her father Bruce Jenner’s closet. Granted Kendall and her family attend an Armenian church, which is basically a brothel with a few crucifixes hanging on the wall, but even still this outfit is outlandish and offensive.

Of course Christians lack the moral fortitude to punish Kendall for this sacrilegious sluttery on their most holiest of days. However, unfortunately for Kendall, us Muslims will have no problem bouncing a few rocks off of her head for defiling the beloved burka, and for being related to so many mudshark whores.


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