Steven Spielberg Shot Down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

Steven Spielberg Malaysia airlines

The world was shocked on Thursday when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down near Hrabove in the soon to be Russian republic of Ukraine. Immediately the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels pointed fingers at each other, with each claiming that they had nothing to do with the shooting down of flight MH17.

It turns out both sides were telling the truth as it was none other than famed movie director and Zionist Jew Steven Spielberg who shot down flight MH17, as he was photographed proudly posing with his latest kill in the photo above.

Of course this should come as no surprise, as not only is Steven Spielberg a Satanic Christ killer who feeds off the misery of humanity, but he was also recently embroiled in controversy when the photo below of him posing with the dead body of an extremely endangered triceratops that he shot was leaked to the Web.

Steven Spielberg triceratops

Clearly Steven Spielberg must be stopped as his hunting blood lust knows no bounds. How many more endangered species and Dutch tourists have to die before the corrupt US government brings Steven Spielberg to justice?

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