Celebrity Lesbian Sex Ring Uncovered

We all know that heathen Hollywood is a vile cesspool of degeneracy, but (as we can see from the recently uncovered video above) the depths of its depravity are much worse than we could ever have imagined… As there is clearly a vast celebrity lesbian sex ring that has been hidden from the public… Until now.

There are few things more blasphemous than a woman experiencing sexual pleasure, and so the act of lesbodyking doubling this demonic debauchery is quite the abomination. Obviously the cowardly Zionists who run the entertainment industry have recognized this, and have gone to great lengths to suppress the levels of lesboqueering going so as not to incur too much of Islam’s righteous wrath.

However, now that we see that at its core Satanic Showbiz is nothing but scissor sisters slobbering over each others sin slits (with even the cartoons engaged in girl-on-girl homo-humping), we will not rest until there is not a single lecherous labia licker left that has not been brought to Sharia justice.

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