Salma Hayek Stripper Scenes Compilation In 4K

Salma Hayek stripper

The video below features the complete compilation of Salma Hayek’s stripper scenes from the films “Americano”, “From Dusk Till Dawn”, and “Dogma” color-corrected and enhanced in ultra high definition.

It certainly is not surprising to see that Salma Hayek spent most of her career being typecast as a filthy stripper, as she was reportedly “discovered” by a talent scout while performing in a Tijuana donkey show… Not to mention the fact that hiring a Mexican minx like Salma is always a bargain, as she stays after shoots to scrub her lady taco grease off the set.

Of course nowadays in heathen Hollywood it wouldn’t be “kosher” to portray a big tittied Latina actress only as a stripper, as feminists think it is important that busty Hispanic hussies with IQ’s smaller than their bra sizes also be represented as doctors, scientists, and of course superheroes (as Salma is set to star in the new Marvel “Eternals” movie).

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