Emily VanCamp Nude Photo Shoot

Emily Vancamp nude

“Captain America” and “Revenge” star Emily VanCamp poses fully nude for a photo shoot in a Canadian magazine in the photos above and below.

Emily Vancamp nude

No one pays much attention to Canada because it is a desolate frozen tundra, but as these Emily VanCamp nude photos prove it is certainly a fertile breeding ground for brazen whores. For inside every Canadian igloo is a woman festering in her own innate degeneracy just dying to release it upon humanity.

Of course the blame for this really falls on the Canadian men who are some of the biggest homoqueers in the world, and much too pathetically effeminate to keep their snow sluts in line. For as the Qur’an teaches us, a woman requires the strong hand of a man to beat the sin out of her, as she is weak-willed and corrupt by nature. You better believe that if Emily VanCamp looked like she had take a few hockey pucks to the face, she wouldn’t be flaunting her naked moose knuckle on the cover of a magazine.

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