Justin Bieber’s Dick & Khloe Kardashian’s And Serena Williams’ Ass For The Gays

Khloe Kardashian ass

With an estimated 98% of infidel men being secret flaming homosexuals, it is not surprising that manly looking women like Khloe Kardashian have become sex symbols in the depraved Western world. And so to the delight of her kuffar homoqueer fans, Khloe shows off her bulbous masculine backside and strong jawline while stretching in a swimsuit in the photos below.


Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian

If seeing Khloe’s ass wasn’t bad enough, hermaphroditic she-beast tennis star Serena Williams just shared the photo below of her ripped back and bloated hindquarters on a beach in a thong bikini.

Serena Williams ass

Finally to complete this homoqueer trifecta, Justin Bieber was recently caught on camera by the paparazzi parading around his nude twink body and teeny weeny penis while on vacation in the photos below.


Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber

Sadly this post will probably lower your T-cell count, and it will certainly attract the Western cockmongers like flies to shit. However, it is our duty as celebrity Jihadists to report on the degenerate Western celebrity news no matter how unpleasantly faggy it may be.

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