Lady Gaga’s Trashy Candid Thong Bikini Pics

Lady Gaga thong bikini

Lady Gaga shows off her flabby white trash booty in a thong bikini in the candid photos below from her vacation in the Bahamas.

Just to be safe, before viewing these photos you may want to wrap your eyeballs in latex and coat your computer screen with Valtrex, for if you look close enough you can see the dents from all the balls that have slapped against Lady Gaga’s ass through the years.

Yes Lady Gaga’s cooter almost certainly looks like a pit bull’s chew toy, and her anus hole probably resembles the deepest darkest cave in Tora Bora, were many brave Jihadists gave their lives so that one day soon we may live in a world were women like Lady Gaga can not show off their disgusting bodies like this with impunity. After seeing these photos, no reasonable person could deny that ours is a noble cause that is certainly worth the sacrifice.


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