Taylor Swift & Emma Watson Big Winners At The Lesbo Awards

Lesbodykes Taylor Swift and Emma Watson were the big winners last night at the 1st Annual Lesbo Awards in Los Angeles.
As you can see in the photo above, both Taylor and Emma picked up crystal vagina shaped “lezzies” for their extensive contributions to lesbianism in 2012.
Taylor Swift won the award for “Best in Beards” for her exhaustive work in hiding her lesboness by having asexual relationships with fame whore guys. However, Emma Watson won the big award of the night, beating out favorite Kristen Stewart for “Best Jawline For Carpet Munching”.
The night ended on an awkward note however, as longtime lesboqueer Jodie Foster received the Gertrude P. Beanflicker Lifetime Achievement Award, and she delivered the long rambling speech below with her girlfriend’s pubes stuck in her teeth.
![]() Jennifer Lawrence Grabs Emma Watson’s Boob |
![]() Taylor Swift Caught Feeling Her Butt |
![]() Taylor Swift Mocks The British In A Short Skirt |