Avril Lavigne Sloppy Bikini Pics

Avril Lavigne bikini

Canadian rocker Avril Lavigne shows just how hardcore she is by having her doo doo brown bikini bottoms nearly fall off while playing in the ocean in the sloppy bikini pictures below.

Avril is really sticking it to the man, and showing that she is still a rebel by prancing around this tropical island beach flaunting her pasty Canadian body in a sh*t colored bikini. She must have slept well that night in her 5-star luxury suite knowing that she has once again bravely challenged societal standards.

Yes Avril Lavigne has again shown that she is a real punk artist and totally not a corporate sellout who (despite being nearly 40-years-old) is still trying to capitalize off of the teenage angst market. It is now undeniable that Avril is firmly in the pantheon of great Canadian musicians with the likes of Justin Bieber and Nickelback.


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