Xanthal Miller Nude Sex Scenes From “The Hot Maids”

Xanthal Miller nude

The videos below feature Mexican actress Xanthal Miller’s nude sex scenes from the film “The Hot Maids” remastered and enhanced in high definition.

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If Xanthal thinks that by taking on the surname “Miller” she is going to avoid deportation when the Orange Sultan Trump’s forces raid the Holiday Inn Express where she works, she is sorely mistaken… For her squat sturdy body shape screams “illegal immigrant”.


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Yes, Xanthal’s has stolen her last US job… And I don’t mean her work scrubbing toilets for minimum wage, as American women are all far too lazy and entitled to perform that task… But rather Xanthal serving as a wide-bodied whore for undiscerning men like the one in these videos… For there is certainly no shortage of pudgy prostitutes among the native female populace of the USA for that work.

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