Unlike the weak “skinny fat” celebrity harlots one finds in heathen Hollywood, WWE wrestling divas have strong halal bodies that could not only survive performing hard labor out in the fields, but also take a powerful pounding from their Muslim master’s massive manhood at night.
So when WWE Diva Emma posted the bikini ass shot above to her Instagram earlier today us red-blooded Muslim men immediately recognized her as the fine piece of livestock that she is, and we began fantasizing about her plump rump pulling the plow on our poppy plantations.
Yes any Muslim would be proud to have WWE’s Emma chained up in his barn, and Emma would no doubt enjoy the simple farm life of endless back-breaking labor far more than her glorified tickle fights in the WWE ring. Who knows if Emma does admirable work her master may honor by taking her for a roll in the hay, and even put her in the famous “camel clutch”.
WWE Emma’s Hottest Bikini Selfies was last modified: July 26th, 2017 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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