Wendy Hamilton Nude Scenes From “The Dallas Connection” Enhanced

Wendy Hamilton nude

The video below features actress Wendy Hamilton’s nude scenes from the 1994 film “The Dallas Connection” remastered and enhanced in high definition.

Despite her pleasingly androgynous hairstyle, Wendy Hamilton’s unsightly bulbous breasts ruin any chance she may of had of living a rich and rewarding life serving as a stand-in for our beloved Muslim bacha bazi (dancing boys).

Of course the fact that she plays a hick whore from the heathen hellhole of Texas certainly doesn’t do her any favors either. Thank Allah that the backwoods border town of Dallas is currently being overrun by Guatemalans, and lecherous lone star Jezebels like Wendy will soon be corralled and turned into concubines for the cartels.

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