Valkyrae Submissive Creampie Sex Chat And Mound Flaunting
Posted November 27, 2024
in Valkyrae
The video above features streamer and YouTube star Valkyrae confessing that she is “very submissive” and enjoys creampies while flaunting her bulging lady mound on a sex podcast.

Of course a woman saying that she is “submissive” is like a duck saying it likes water… For it is a female’s natural state to be under the stern foot of a strong masculine man… Unfortunately for Valkyrae and the rest of the Western women, the infidel men are all emasuclated homoqueers who don’t know the first thing about properly dominating them.
The result of this unnatural arrangement is that women like Valkyrae get absurd feminist notions like that they can dictate where a man deposits his baby batter, and that just because she isn’t on her Satanic birth control pills he must pull out… A ridiculous concern considering that her engorged cock cave has clearly downed more semen than a WWI German U-boat, and still her womb has not produced a child.
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