Valerie Kaprisky Nude Scenes From “Year of the Jellyfish” Enhanced

Valerie Kaprisky nude

The video below features French actress Valerie Kaprisky’s full frontal nude scenes from the 1984 film “Year of the Jellyfish” remastered and enhanced.

I don’t know about jellyfish, but as you can see from these nude scenes, back in her heyday Valerie Kaprisky was certainly worthy of getting a tunic tentacle stuffed up her chocolate starfish.

Unfortunately for Valerie she was ahead of her time… In that in the 1980’s France had not yet imported large numbers of us virile Muslims to come culturally enrich the sex holes of its women, and transform the country from the barbaric backwoods dystopia that it was into the thriving future Islamic caliphate that it is today.

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