Taylor Swift Tries To Hide Her Meaty Camel Toe

Taylor Swift camel toe

Taylor Swift tries to hide her thick meaty camel toe by pulling down her shirt while leaving the gym in yoga pants in the photos below.

If Taylor really wanted to obscure her drooping lady lips from view then she should be wearing a thick wool burka instead of crotch hugging tights. Although in the case of Taylor’s sloppily engorged piss flaps she’d still probably need a few inches of her labia chopped off with a scimitar to ensure her modesty.

Yes it is clear from these photos that Taylor’s cock cave has been completely banged out from getting fisted by one too many Victoria’s Secret models. Of course to call that mess sticking out between her legs a “camel toe” is extremely offensive to us Muslims. For to compare any woman’s sex organs to a part of the noble camel is slanderous, and we will be putting an end to it shortly when Islam finishes conquering the West.


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