Taylor Swift Hard Nip Pokies And Side Boob At Her Lesbo Pool Party

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift shows off her hard nipple pokies and side boob in a swimsuit while splashing around soaking wet (in every possible crevice) at her all lesbian pool party in the photos below.

The theme for Taylor’s pool party was “A Taste Of The Sea”, but not because Taylor’s mansion is situated right on the ocean. No the fishy smell emanating from Taylor’s party was because the guest list included all of her rotten crotch lesboqueer lovers from Karlie Kloss and Cara Delevingne to Gigi Hadid and Martha Hunt.

Yes as you can see in the photos below there was certainly some hardcore lesbodyking going on at this party, as Taylor and her friends frolicked in their swimsuits and then retreated indoors for an orgy of finger banging and orifice tonguing. It is just a shame that one of us righteous Muslim men was not around to punish these sinful sluts for their blasphemously deviant sexual behavior… For as we all know rock beats scissors.


Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift
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