Susan Sarandon vs Eva Amurri Martino: Mother Daughter Nude Titties Battle

They say that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and as you can see in the nude video clips above Susan Sarandon and her daughter Eva Amurri Martino also prove that the titties dangle the same from the branch.

Susan Sarandon Eva Amurri Martino nude

Yes Susan Sarandon and her daughter Eva Amurri Martino provide further evidence in the nature vs nurture battle that being a degenerate whore who happily expose her sloppy milk sacks is a genetic disorder.

For like all Hollywood mom’s Susan Sarandon was almost certainly an absentee parent who was out most nights “networking” at Hollywood parties by doing lines of coke off of casting directors’ cocks. Yet despite being raised entirely by Mexican nannies Eva isn’t scrubbing toilets, she is behaving almost exactly like her mom in these nude scenes. This leaves little doubt that when it comes to the Sarandon sluts one can not simply chop off the weed, it must be pulled out from the roots.

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