Stacy Keibler Ultimate Ass Compilation

The video above features the ultimate compilation of WWE wrestling superstar Stacy Keibler’s incredible ass flaunting moments from her illustriously depraved career.

Many have argued that with her tight round booty shaking moves, Stacy Keibler was the greatest wrestler of all time… Of course this is preposterous as The Iron Sheik was undoubtedly better, and as a pious and powerful Muslim man he could easily resist Stacy’s slutty feminine charms, put her in the “camel clutch”, break her back, and make her humble.


Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler
Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler
Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler
Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler
Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler Stacy Keibler

Of course with that said there is no denying that Stacy was a rare talent, and one we are unlikely to ever see again in the WWE… But mostly because the feminist crusade against the sexual objectification of women has destroyed the last semblance of masculinity in infidel society.

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