Sophie Mudd Big Tits Compilation Video

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Despite our rough, tough, and incredibly masculine exteriors us Islamic extremists are actually true romantics at heart… Especially when it comes to exquisite pieces of livestock like Sophie Mudd.

As you can see in the compilation video above, Sophie Mudd has bountiful udders that would make a Holstein cow green with envy. What red-blooded Muslim man wouldn’t lust after the thought of roughly squeezing those wonderful teats dry, and using the ample milk she provides as the base for some exotic cheeses or perhaps even a nice fig yogurt… The possibilities are endless and certainly have my pious tunic snake rigid and frothing at the mouth with anticipation.

Yes Sophie Mudd and her magnificent mammaries must be put to good use chained up in a Muslim’s barn. The first Syrian slave merchant that tracks her titties down and stuffs her in a shipping container bound for Tikrit will certainly be handsomely rewarded with many Dinars and all the AK-47 shells his heart could desire.

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