With over 17.5 million followers, Sommer Ray is one of the biggest stars on Instagram. As you can see from the compilation video above and photos below, it isn’t Sommer’s winning personality or insightful posts but rather her flaunting tight round ass that has garnered her so much social media attention.
Of course us Muslims see nothing wrong with judging a woman’s worth exclusively by the shape of her rump. For what little value a woman has comes from either her breeding potential, her concubine worthiness, or her ability to perform field work. And so for two of those 3 categories the female hindquarters tell you all that you really need to know.
In Sommer Ray’s case her banged out polluted womb makes her unsuitable for the first two categories, so we must examine purely from the mindset of livestock on the farm. In that sense Sommer is adequate, but certainly not exceptional… For there are many Musliminas pulling the plow in poppy fields right now with much more powerful and meaty booty cheeks.
Sommer Ray Ultimate Ass Compilation was last modified: September 25th, 2023 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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