Selena Gomez With No Bra On In New York City

Selena Gomez no bra

Yesterday was “National No Bra Day” in the hopelessly depraved US of A, and to celebrate Selena Gomez took to the streets of New York City while braless in a see through top in the photos below.

Leave it to a degenerate skank like Selena Gomez to choose to walk around America’s largest city with her saggy Mexican tit sacks on full display. Why the infidels would have a day celebrating women like Selena exposing their sinful boob meat is beyond comprehension, as there is certainly nothing even remotely appealing about the sight of those bulbous soft fleshy orbs.

Yes a woman’s breasts hold no aesthetic value and are completely utilitarian in nature, as their only purpose is the dispensing of milk to future jihadist babies. Like all blasphemous female flesh, boobs belong hidden away behind a burka at all times, and us Muslims would certainly never consider promoting their exposure. In fact, the only holiday we have that is remotely related to this “No Bra Day” is March 22 which is “National Open Toe Sandal Day” in the civilized Islamic world. Of course rapes increase by over 300% on that day, but it is all in good fun and is to be expected.


Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez

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